Thursday 13 March 2008

Sword mark of the red death

I went to see the very popular Masque of the Red Death this week and after my initial uncertainties of wandering through dark corridors wearing a mask and not speaking I got quite into it.

They suggested losing your friends and although I was very reticent to do that in the beginning I soon wandered off. And got dragged off by various actors. Once to be force fed wine, have my face stroked and have a monologue delivered to me and another time to be threatened at sword point.

The "play" if you can call it that is really quite brilliant. As you come across different rooms you see different bits of the play. You are unlikely to see it all, and reading the programme afterwards I definitely missed bits. It is all about personal experience though and mine was fab. And the dancing and choreography, especially at the end was super.

I felt exhausted and elated afterwards. Do go if you get the chance.

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