Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Ahoy me hearties

Last night I went to the wonderfully bonkers Rogues Gallery at the Barbican. This consisted of a group of 'Rogues' playing the songs from the album of the same name.

Equipped with a random selection of people who didn't know the words, such as Chris Difford, Susanne Vega and Shane McGowan (Pete Doherty was a no show). They played the album in its entirety (over 3.5 hours).

We were fully encouraged to nip out to the bar, be rowdy etc. but still there were a lot of people who didn't move in that time.

As for my merry band of sailors, I think we had inhaled too many bottles of rum by the end - but the good ship sailed us home.

Monday, 28 July 2008

Please sir can I have some more

Had a really good day in Brighton yesterday which culminated in watching Absolutely Dragulous do Oliver.

Dave Lyn as Fagin was inspired. http://www.davelynn.co.uk/ and the fight of the four nancies was rightly won by Maisie, Brighton's great dame. Jamie dressed as Oliver looked about 12 http://www.jamiewatson.net/ and I can't wait for next month's which is mamma mia.

There was a good turn out despite the hot weather and everyone seems to be getting in the Pride mood already. Roll on Saturday and fingers crossed for the weather.


Squeezed out

Went to see an old classic Squeeze at the British Motor Show on Saturday. It was a very muggy day and South London's transport issues weren't helping, but we got there.

For those who haven't been to the motor show, I wouldn't bother unless you are going to the gig as well. its not as big as I expected, there are some cool cars, but not enough for my liking. I did learn a valuable piece of information though, I am too tall for a smart car - they do not have adjustable steering wheels. Saves me looking longingly at the flower power one for when I have passed my driving test.

Squeeze on the other hand were worth the trip. And roll over Jools, Lord Large rocked.
They all seemed to be talking again, and it was like a big South London geezer sing along. Most enjoyable. Makes me want to get a record player and dust off my vinyl.

Friday, 25 July 2008

Friends of Dorothy anyone

I went, on my own like a bit of a saddo, to see the Wizard of Oz at the Royal Festival Hall on opening night.

I had been worried that no one would want to go with me, and that if they did, they wouldn't want to sit in the cheap seats (I am on an economy drive).

Although I was in the gods I had a great seat and I was really quite excited. I remember seeing the Wizard of Oz as a child, starring Charlie Drake as the cowardly lion. We met him afterwards as even then I had friends in high places!

It was fun watching all the mad children, exasperated parents and the queens before the show started. The show itself was pretty good too.

I had originally thought to myself that Dorothy had a bit of an annoying accent, however, after listening to the couple behind me bitching about everything throughout the interval, I felt quite sorry for her. They were even complaining that Toto was not the right colour. Correct me if I'm wrong but I imagine the acting dogs pool is fairly small, and toto was adorable - although white.

My favourite childhood memories were brought back by the chorus girls, the munchkins (have to admit I would have preferred little people to children) and the yellow brick road.

I loved it. I have been dreaming in technicolour ever since and have constant Wizard of Oz songs going round my head. Go, but only if you can leave your adult self behind.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Its a hard knock life

Not only is this a plug for my friends next absolutely dragulous performance of Oliver at the end of the month but it also describes the way I feel at the moment.

I don't want to get into the whole credit crunch debate but I am having my own personal credit crunch which has stemmed from realising that yes I have just bought a new place to live and its about time I adjusted my style of living accordingly.

I feel a bit like a student again, and have started looking at the prices of food items intently. Since when did a bag of pasta get so expensive. I remember the days.... Yawn, yawn.

One thing I can not give up is my lovely fruit and veggie box. My little bit of luxury, some things have definitely changed from student days. 17p noodles still taste great though!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Decorating ideas

Although I have been to Brighton a million times I had never set foot in the pavilion until this weekend.

Armed with free tickets (lucky me) I oohed and arrhed over this great over the top masterpiece. I am thinking something similar for my new house, or some of the dragon pictures turned into tattoos.

Truly amazing. You should go if like me you are always too busy in Brighton trying not to look like a tourist.

Also worth seeing was Absolutely dragulous' (and one diminutive diva - my mate Jamie) first performance of Chicago.

I have never seen Chicago but it didn't matter, they were funny, professional and utterly fab. Next month is Oliver.