Thursday, 29 May 2008

Disgruntled from the UK

Why oh why did Russia win the Eurovision? Every year I turn a blind eye to the fact that no one votes for us but enough is enough. It was the worst song ever.

As a lover of Eurovision we had a party and for the first time in my history of scoring I gave minus points. I have given zero before but have never ventured into the minus zone. I can only think that they won because they were standing over all the Eastern European voters with big guns. When you go to these countries they all hate the Russians.

Lets hope Terry doesn't quit though. If he does I may have to quit watching it altogether!

The party was great. And there was some excellent fancy dress going on. We had pirates, Terry, the Ukrainian cross dresser from last year and an Abba throw back. And, I really did look like the little Serbian lesbian. It was uncanny!

Can we ditch our Americans friends and get back in the European fold before next years one - please!

Monday, 19 May 2008

Cinema museum

Had an interesting trip to the cinema museum on Saturday. This quirky place is full of fascinating cinema stuff, based in an old work house in Kennington that used to house Charlie Chaplin's mum.

A lot of the stuff is boxed up due to lack of space which is a shame. I could have spent ages in the photo room, which was mostly files, but I had a delve whilst the guide was talking and cane across pictures of Harrison Ford, daleks and some dashing chap that I couldn't quite identify.

Unfortunately the museum has to move on at the end of the month. I hope though that they end up with a bigger space where they can display more of there items.

The collection of ashtrays for one is classic. There are also a couple of sets of cinema doors, some projectors, reels of film,a Felix the cat and lots of movie poster boards.

This trip was followed by an equally quirky expedition to the Little Apple in Kennington, which seemed to full of happy drunk people who possibly hadn't gone home last night.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Sausage by the sea

I was in lovely Brighton last night for the camp fest that was girls aloud. Having taken the afternoon of work it felt very naughty browsing the shops and reading my book on the beach.

When the troops joined me we checked in to our hotel (apparently not the only Girls Aloud customers they had) and set about the task of having a few pre gig drinks...

And its a good job we did. We all had a whale of a time but, the singing was terrible (except - it was universally agreed - for Nicola, who was fab [I know, I know I am a little biased but they even said so on the radio this morning so it must be true]).

They have great energy and I would recommend them, if like us, you don't take things to seriously.

Afterwards we did the obligatory pub crawl which included Legends - the only place really with a bit of life late on a Tuesday - and today I am feeling just a wee bit exhausted.

It was nice to get to Brighton again. Someone give me a highly paid job in the area so I can afford to live there :-)

Sunday, 11 May 2008

...I love my wii

...They really should rename them though...

Also, the wii fit is at the post office so I will be up with the larks tomorrow to go and pick it up. Very frustrating to have a free day and no wii fit to play with. Might have to have a go and play golf instead. I am pretty sure that my virtual golf playing is infinitely better than I would be at a real life game.

Had an interesting night last night. Went to see some custard jazz. It was all pretty civilised at the 100 club apart from the inordinate amount of pissed people there. Especially mad white top woman. You know who you are.

My frustration at not being multi-talented and able to play trombone, sax and trumpet was palpable. They were all very professional and bizarrely didn't seem to know each other at all. I prefer my jazz a bit free form so I would recommend a few nights out on the lash to get some creativity flowing.

Anyway...must go and be domestic. The garden waits for no woman.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Stay well back

Went to a great gig yesterday, the Legendary Shack Shakers. They were as usual on bonkers, energetic form and we managed to get a good spot in the packed venue away from the path of bodily excretions.

For those of you who have not heard of the Shack Shakers - legendary or otherwise - the lead singer is well known for showering the crowd with snot and sweat - nice! I would also like to thank the cute punk girl for brightening up my day.

I also managed to finish my entry into a travel writing competition yesterday. I decided it was about time I actually started trying to be a writer, rather than always saying I'd like to and never finishing anything.

And...the hunt continues for a wii fit. I finally caved and have a wii winging its way to me now - hopefully. I tried out my mates wii fit and I really loved it. Here's hoping I can get one soon.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Hope not hate

Yes its the day of the elections and everyone is talking about it. I'm not going to, but I am going to tell you about the gig I went to last night.

It was organised by Hope not hate and was a night of rock against racism. What surprised me where the amount of campaigners and cameras outside the event. I did have a bit of a feeling they were preaching to the converted. I didn't spot any nasties there.

Inside there were speakers in between the music. Tony Benn seems to be a lovely man and he is a very good motivational speaker. I would also like him to be my grandad!

It was fun to see the Levellers again. It made me think back to the days of greenpeace rallies and sunny drunken days in fields. Rainy wednesday nights in Brixton isn't quite the same but the thought was there.

Misty in roots were brilliant and I think the only downside to this brilliance was that Alabama 3 ended up having to do quite a short set which was a shame for them. They have been known to play for hours on end, so 20 mins or so seemed a little bit wrong. They were in fine form though. Except for the suit wearing with no t-shirt underneath - No! This is never a good look.

Ended the night by sharing a taxi with the pianist from the Ritz. What a very nice man he is. Lives round the corner from me.